Baldwin Park
This is a free, 4.88 acre, park located in the heart of Midtown. It’s a small one, but the trees here are worthy of a visit. The old oak trees have branches growing on the ground providing 1) a lot of shade cover making this park ok to visit on a hot summer Houston day 2) a cool photo and 3) the perfect tree climbing opportunity.
Enjoy a small playground for the kids, and benches/picnic tables for a seat outdoors.
Total time spent here for us was about ~30 minutes. The park isn’t too large and there’s only a small paved trail that takes you throughout the park.
As for parking – there are only a few (~5 spots) available in the parking lot, but the park is located in a neighborhood and street parking is available.
Lots of shade – great for the summer
Read more at: https://www.houstontx.gov/parks/parksites/baldwinpark.html