Mason Park
Mason Park is a park located at the site of the meeting of Buffalo Bayou and Brays Bayou in the Southwest part of town. This large 104 acre park is home to a multitude of recreational activities including baseball, basketball, soccer fields, disc golf, tennis courts, playground equipment, a community pool, and 1.4 miles of paved trails!
The park is also home to a community center built in Spanish mission style that held community events pre-covid.
The newest function of Mason Park is to protect against pollution and flooding via a stormwater retention pond. Starting in 2006, the banks of Brays Bayou were widened within Mason Park to reduce the threat of flooding and an additional 3.5 acres of wetland were created. These series of ponds clear pollutants from drain-off water and serve as a home for plant and animal life. We saw plenty of ducks and turtles here when we were visiting!
To get to the stormwater retention pond, cross the bridge and walk along the path. The bridge also serves as a good photo op!
Mason community center Baseball field Bbikes are available The bridge divides the park Bayou water is beautiful Stormwater collection ponds
Learn more at: https://www.houstontx.gov/parks/parksites/masonpark.html